Tuesday 25 October 2016

Students fight the Microbead

Sparked by the government announcement of a new law banning the use of plastic microbeads in certain consumer products, staff and students from Cornwall College Newquay have been reflecting on their ongoing research and conservation efforts around the effects of microplastics on the marine environment.  

Microbeads are tiny solid particles made from petrochemical plastics that are commonly used in exfoliating personal care products, toothpastes and in biomedical and health-science research. Microbeads can cause plastic particle water pollution and pose an environmental hazard for aquatic animals in freshwater and ocean water.

Former student Chris Weston studied a BSc Honours Degree in Applied Zoology with Cornwall College and chose to investigate Microplastics for his final honour project. Chris said: “My view on the government's plan to ban certain microplastic containing products is on the whole positive; it's great that the problem is being tackled at national government level. However, it is also important to ensure they follow up on their promise to ban microbeads but also carry out more research into microfibre pollution from clothing and look into oceanic sources such as fishing gear fibres, which I found so many of in my degree study! 

“It's important for the population to embrace this decision for the health of the UK's seas, and is a huge step forward for so many people to sign a petition against the use of microplastics. A better scientific understanding of how microplastics can affect ecosystems and the food we eat is essential for the general population to grasp and bear in mind when making future political decisions. My advice for people would be generally to reduce the amount of plastic you use day-to-day. Avoiding products containing microplastics is a great start, but reducing plastic use generally is also important. Plastic packaging, bags and the like will all break down to become microplastics if they find their way into watercourses, so try to reduce use of these products and instead use and reuse sustainable packaging!”

For Chris, the passion for eliminating microplastics stems from his fascination for all things marine. He continues: “I'm drawn to the marine environment because it's an area to explore for me, mostly surfing and wild swimming, but it's also an important area to study as its massively important for supporting human populations. The ocean's act as a regulator for the planet, ecosystems in the marine environment produce the majority of the human population's protein and the seas also play a huge role in regulating our climate and keeping this planet comfortable! So to me, to not understand the marine environment more thoroughly and try and protect it would be crazy!” 

Is the issue of microbeads linked to a lack of awareness among the general public?

Cornwall College alumnus Charlotte Rothwell, who also studied a degree in Applied Zoology, said: “I think the government's recent decisions concerning microbeads is a step in the right direction but I think they should stop trying to focus on products such as exfoliators as this seems to limit the ban to beauty products whereas a lot of other products, such as cleaning products, contains microbeads. I think the public support behind the petitions to ban microbeads was surprising as I didn't think that many people would support the ban, but I also think maybe people don't fully understand what they are signing and how it really affects the environment - for example they may sign the petition but then still go out and buy products containing microbeads. I think petitions that are put up concerning microbeads and the like should have more information about the effects of the problem and this may subconsciously educate people more.

“For members of the public who are not aware of the dangers, I would say microplastics are not only harmful to fish but they can contain chemicals which can leach into fish and accumulate up the food chain, producing a bioload of chemicals that if ingested by humans can cause a multitude of health complaints including damage to the hormone systems and the systems in the body it controls. Products that contains microbeads often contain more chemicals, whereas products that have found alternatives to microbeads are often more environmentally conscious and more natural.

“So not only would using products with microbead alternatives alleviate the problem but it may also benefit water quality overall with less chemicals being discharged. 

“I am drawn to study the marine environment as I just think it's wonderful. Studying at Cornwall College Newquay put me in a great location close to the water which gave the college a more relaxed atmosphere. Everyone in Newquay seemed very likeminded which I think mostly came down to the location as people move to the sea to enjoy it. The lecturers are also all really passionate about what they do which makes you excited to study.”

For more information on the range of Zoology, Surf and Marine courses available at Cornwall College Newquay Group visit www.cornwall.ac.uk or call 0845 22 32 567.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Isles of Scilly visit

By Jason Birt (Programme Manager-Wildlife Education & Media)

“300 metres, 9 o’clock. See the fins breaking the surface.”
“Oh yeah!”

So ran a conversation on the port side of the Scillonian when the largest group of common dolphins broke the surface. An hour earlier we had left the dock at Penzance en route to the Isles of Scilly. With only a gentle swell greeting the bow of a ship renowned for inducing nausea, we felt some confidence that the students would escape the worst and be able to stay up on deck for an informal cetacean spot. As we sailed past the Runnelstone Reef (now part of a Marine Conservation Zone), an area famed for cetaceans and seabirds due to the upwelling of currents that drives food in the area, Manx shearwaters wheeled past on the hunt, with gannets flying past looking for somewhere productive to dive.

The intention for the day was to give the students from the marine, zoology, Conservation and Ecology, and Wildlife Education and Media degree courses some experience of distance sampling from a moving vessel. At arrival on the islands, the students could disperse to explore under their own supervision or to join us staff on two “expeditions”. The first, led by Dr Kelly Haynes and I, was to head to the island of St Agnes and its sister island, Gugh, joined by a tombolo at low water, to meet with Jaclyn Pearson, Project Lead of the RSPB seabird Recovery Project. We were joined by seven students who also wanted to see a conservation project in action. 

The intention was to find out about the rat eradication project that the RSPB have run for the last few years. It is a fantastic community based project, designed to eradicate Gugh and St Agnes of rats. It has been successful so far, with both islands being rat-free for two years. Why would they want to eradicate rats? In this instance, rats are an invasive species and they eat an awful lot of insects, shrews and – this is why the RSPB have been involved – eggs and chicks. Eggs and chicks of seabirds, some of whom have had precipitous drops in numbers in recent years for a host of reasons. Lesser black-backed gulls are ground nesters and rats will eat their eggs and young. Likewise for terns and Manx shearwaters. We went to look at the nesting gulls and could see them tending to the eggs and young, occasionally wheeling close to make sure we did not present a threat. A little later, we went in search of Manx shearwater burrows. These oceanic birds are not comfortable on the land and for a nest use old rabbit burrows. When these lifelong monogamists pair back up for nesting, they search for an empty burrow by calling their mooing, screeching call down a burrow. A mooing, screeching call back from the depths of a burrow indicates occupancy and the investigative pair will move on. It was that behaviour we were exploiting to find an occupied burrow. Jaclyn, and her assistant Lydia, played calls from an iPhone down a succession of burrows in the hope of eliciting a call. After several burrows and some frustration we finally had a call back, an eerie moo from a burrow facing out to sea.

After an adjournment to the most south-westerly pub in the UK, the Turk’s Head, we discussed the progress of the project and how this was one of the speedier conservation successes. Numbers of nesting Manx shearwaters had already increased, with nesting success also increasing. It was heartening to see a successful conservation project in action and it served as a reminder that what we do and what we teach really can make a difference.

The second expedition was led by Bex Allen, our seal expert, and involved getting in the water. In wetsuits. A number of students joined Bex, and a guest of ours, Annabelle Lowe of Atlantic Diver (a boat we use for student teaching operating out of Newquay), to head over to St Martins. The purpose? To go seal snorkelling! Working with Scilly Seal Snorkelling, Bex and the students were kitted out in neoprene and dropped off the side of a RIB (rigid inflatable boat) when some seals were spotted. The Isles of Scilly, particularly the outer islands are home to hundreds of grey seals, feeding around the islands and breeding in the late Autumn. Seal snorkelling is one of those bucket list moments. The interaction is amazing with these playful, inquisitive mammals, with them nibbling at your fins a real possibility. It is all safe and under considerable supervision but it must be stated that this is not something you should try at home, on your own! The students who went on this expedition came back tired and yet buzzing with whole experience and the photos and videos only hint at the excitement of the activity.

On return, many slept. The day trip to the Isles of Scilly is always a tiring one. Those of us who weren’t tuckered out kept watch for cetaceans. We were rewarded with a lone bottlenose dolphin in the approach to Penzance harbour. This was one for a photo-ID project as it had a nick in the fin. In all, we experience 14 common dolphins, one porpoise and a bottlenose dolphin, not to mention the close-up seal action, nesting gulls, mooing shearwaters and flocks of auks and gannets. This is an annual trip and one that always has us wondering whether it should be a residential one, so we can experience the magic of these islands for longer. 

Interested in this sort of study? Sign up for one of our degrees!
